Friday, 8 June 2012

TDD exercise for beginners

Two years ago I posted about this excellent site that contains various TDD problems that can be used by beginners to practice their TDD skills.
Over the last couple of days at the TDD mailing list there’s a thread in which people are putting links to all sorts of great resources for such exercises so I thought to put them all in one places for future reference

  1. Http:// – a site containing 11 code katas. I actually participated in a testing dojo that used the Gilded Rose Refactoring kata and it was great
  2. -  a thread discussing the same subject with several problems for TDD.
  3. – another (the original?) Kata catalogue. contains all the classics and then some
  4. Roy Osherove blog contains two katas the first has variants in almost every language out there, and the second is a little more advanced aimed to teach interaction testing
  5. – when pushing the setup button you get a nice list of various problems.
  6. – the classical Conway’s game of life used in Code Retreats
If you know of more sites and resources please write them down at the comments below


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