Well the second gathering has ended and it was great. while the amount of people coming this time seemed to be a little less than the first time (I estimate there were about 150-200). Content wise this day was way better. I think that this time most of the sessions were aimed for a more advanced audience, assuming at least basic knowledge of what is scrum and Agile.
Another improvement was that this time the keynote speaker was physically present. While it was nice hearing Ken Schwaber through a live feed, it didn’t have the same effect as having Alistair Cockburn in the same room. And hearing what Alistair has to say is fascinating (more on that will follow).
Like last time, the day was opened by a lecture given by the key note speaker followed by breaking up into 3 tracks lasting until the end of the day when we gathered for an ending panel discussion. all and all i was able to attend 5 sessions all of them were immensely interesting. I just wish that someone would find a solution enabling a person to attend two lectures at the same time.
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