I went to Berlin for the Agile Testing Days Conference. I’ve join Elisabteth Hendrikson tutorial about ATDD, while is full day tutorial about the basic concepts and technique of doing ATDD. fro me this is a great opportunity to augment my knowledge about best practices tools and idea of how to improve my ATDD skills.
In the first part what really stood out for me is the time we spent about the various silos existing in a typical development environment. Specifically what i liked best is the emphasis Elisabeth puts about the need to break up those silos focusing on only establishing a clear separation between the role of deciding the “What” and the role of building the “How”. she quoted Tobias Mayer which defines in this post these roles as “The What voice” and “The How Tribe”
Hi Lior,
Thanks for the reference to my blog. And being quoted by Elizabeth Hendrickson is praise indeed :-)
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